Michael Fiore • Creative Director / Art Director


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Welcome to a smorgasbord of ads, campaigns, and some of my design work from years past. This work is arranged in no particular order or relevance. If you’re interested in seeing work from a particular category, just ask me here. Spoiler, some of the work below was developed and produced without the help of the modern computer–gasp!

Toyota Model Ads


Jawbone UP


Saturn ION launch ads


Comcast + TiVo bundle “Fold Together” newspaper ad (inspired by the back covers of mad magazine)


Harper Collins and Rizzoli publishers book jacket covers


HD DVD OOH Posters


HP product ads


Hennessy Cognac print (photo: David LaChapelle)


Phoenix House
Tv spots for a drug rehab center for adolescents and young adults


Ecco Domani Wine